Monday, February 2, 2015

Many Ways to Cast Using Ice Resin

There are lots of ways to cast using Ice Resin. The fastest and easiest way is by using Art Mechanic Jewellers Grade Moulding Putty. The initial step is Building a Mould. Think about your projects surface. While your mould is curing it'll cling to whatever surface you lay this on, so use a portable surface like a plastic bag to help you move it around.

Now gather your supplies into one area: your work surface, your moulding putty as well as your object. Open your fresh containers of Artwork Technique Jewellers Grade Moulding Putty. This moulding putty accumulates the finest details in your object and works quickly.
Measure equal parts of the moulding putty into both hands, mix well for about a minute before putty is a uniform colour and doesn't have striations.

Now either press or embed your object to the putty: press it in halfway for a relief mould where one side is going to be flat. Or, embed your piece completely within the moulding putty by pulling the putty round the sides of your piece. You have around three minutes of working time. After this the actual putty begins to cure, or stiffen upward. If you have made any mistakes at this time, just mix up more putty and increase what you have built.

Within 25 minutes the putty is going to be completely cured. Now pull or cut your object from the putty using your fingers or a build knife. If your piece is embedded, you don’t have to slice it completely out- just pull on it. Remember, how the putty bends around the protrusions of your object- you don't need to worry about casting with undercuts!
Casting with this Jewellers Grade Moulding Putty is so easy- and today your mould is ready for a Glaciers Resin pour! And guess what? Casting with Ice Resin is simple too!

Pouring into your mould with Glaciers Resin:

1. Place your mould on a set, perhaps portable, surface (like a paper plate) to organize for the ICE Resin pour. You may need some kind of prop if your mould has an out of balance bottom. More putty, clay or polymer clay-based make good propping materials. Layering a kitchen garbage bag between your plate and the putty makes everything release well later for those who have any spills.

2. Mix your resin based on our instructions on the package: one part resin to 1 part hardener and mix thoroughly, at minimum 2 minutes, let sit for 5 min's and pour into your mould.

3. Put aside and allow curing for 6 - 8 several hours. ICE Resin cures so that it’s hard to touch in 6 to 10 hours, but is constantly on the cure for three days.

4. When hard to touch, wiggle your mould gently to release your own cast piece.

5. Now is the time for you to do drilling and filing. After three times, the cast piece will be harder to operate.

TIP: If you cast your piece soon after creating the mould, your piece will possess a matte look. Because the putty was still actually curing though it seemed hard. It’s fine to use the putty only at that stage- the results are very interesting. To any extent further though, when you use this mould your castings will create a crystal clear image. Both effects are good.

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